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Whenever we are unable to express our emotions and release them as they come up, they stay with us. EFT is a wonderful technique for removing the negative emotions that limit our success. Using this technique, you can gain the emotional freedom to truly pursue being, doing and having what you really want in life. EFT is a meridian-based energy therapy that is a simple technique that often provides rapid relief from emotional issues and trauma.

EFT and Relationships

EFTs ability to transform personal relationships is remarkable. Whether your relationship is unsatisfying, or whether you're dealing with a difficult family or business relationship, EFT can help. Negative relationship patterns usually begin in childhood and are reinforced over time, resulting in a chain of automatic, uncontrollable projections and reactions, EFT can break that cycle and help you become a healthier person in all your relationships.


Have you ever experienced crippling fear? Perhaps it made it hard for you to speak, move or otherwise function. You logically understood there was nothing to fear, yet it seemed like your fear took control of your body and there was nothing you could do to stop it. Fear is a complex experience that has mental, emotional and physical aspects. If the fear you are dealing with was just a thought it would not have the power that it has. The power of fear comes from its physical sensations stimulated by the emotions that accompany the fearful thoughts. The problem with chronic fear and anxiety that are triggered by stimuli that do not present acute danger to your life is that these emotions sap your resources, causing yourself healing and preserving mechanisms to dwindle in efficiency. So the longer you experience chronic fear, the worse your overall health becomes. Eliminating the fear once and for all with EFT can improve your health and be life changing.

NSRT-How does it help with Fears?

According to Chinese and Greek medicine negative emotions weaken the organs. Emotions such as fear weaken the kidneys and since emotions affect the body at a cellular and energetic level, NSRT is an excellent tool to bring the emotional body back to balance. Click on the NSRT tab to learn more.


Don’t you have someone or something that just drives you mad? Someone who pushes your buttons or whom you just can’t stand? Or is it someone who has really hurt you, disappointed you or really ticked you off? It’s natural to occasionally feel that way about someone. It’s also normal to occasionally get mad at some other outside force. If you carry around that anger, however, it can hurt you. Seldom does your anger at someone else hurt him (or her). It hurts you -- physically, mentally and emotionally. Anger causes the hypothalamus to release tiny little proteins called peptides. The peptides then become attached to our cells like little magnets. Our bodies then become “addicted” to those attachments, seeking more and more anger to feed them.

Anger can either be expressed or suppressed. When you express it constructively, it will tend to lose its power over you, even if it’s just talking about it, writing about it, or even banging a pillow on your bed and shouting about it! When you suppress your anger, one of two things can happen. The anger can churn away inside of you building up pressure until it burst out like the steam from a pressure cooker. Or it can turn on your body and show up as disease and illness. I feel EFT is one of the best ways to eliminate and deal with anger in a healthy way.

NSRT-How does it help with Anger?

According to Chinese and Eastern medicine, the liver is responsible for the smooth flow of energy throughout the body and smoothing our emotions. Suppressed or trapped anger can weaken the liver and cause serious long term affects. The four core components in NSRT are very affective in assessing organ stress and offering the needed energetic support for all organ systems. Click on the NSRT tab to learn more.